[[!comment format=mdwn username="divB" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-07-15T22:02:41Z" content=""" Update: You are right. It has nothing to do with the connections. I created a new repository without any sync. Same here: [2014-07-15 13:53:33 Pacific Daylight Time] main: starting assistant version 5.20140715-g622a376 [2014-07-15 13:53:33 Pacific Daylight Time] Cronner: You should enable consistency checking to protect your data. (scanning...) [2014-07-15 13:53:38 Pacific Daylight Time] Watcher: Performing startup scan (started...) git-annex: : hGetLine: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor) failed git-annex: assistant: 1 failed It always takes exactly 10 minutes until it dies (you see is started 13:53:33 and it died at 14:03:33 (=modification of daemon.log). So this is reproduceable ... """]]