[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmBmv0HhwTFxkpxlf8ifTlMOHnIwHCHTYs" nickname="y" subject="path on windows" date="2014-08-23T22:02:07Z" content=""" I think I have a related problem on win7 sp1. When first installing msys git, there's a screen asking for how to set the PATH variable. I chose the option not to update the windows PATH variable, which is the default. Then I installed git annex. Then launching the git-annex-autostart.vbs as well as the webapp one gets an object not found error (on line 2). launching git-annex from git bash with full path yielded an error about not finding git. Then I proceeded and reinstalled git on top of itself and picked the option to only add git and bash to windows path and it worked. """]]