[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-12-02T17:22:01Z" content=""" Windows certianly does cause problems with its short path limits. The SHA512 hash backend is known to not work at all on windows, for example. However, recent versions of git-annex use relative paths to files, so it shouldn't much matter if they're run in a directory deep in a tree; it'll refer to '.git/foo' rather than 'c:/verylong/path/to/.git/foo' Also, a long path is certianly not the cause of DeleteFile ".git\\objects\\pack\\pack-c53ea32e9514b6dda95af1d8d879d91d32240d76.idx": permission denied Since the path there is relative, is plenty short to not bother Windows's tiny mind, and there's clearly some sort of permission problem preventing this user from modifying this file. """]]