[[!comment format=mdwn username="olivier.berger@bb28df880236e55a6bfeca92cc3de8ec424f2eba" nickname="olivier.berger" subject="Not completely fixed if git not installed on C:" date="2015-09-11T15:31:25Z" content=""" Hi. I have the situation where my C: is too full, so I'm installing Git 2.5 on E: in E:\Program files\ instead of C:\Program files\ Then while installing git-annex, I'll install it in the same E:\Program files\git\ But then, the installer complains that git couldn't be found in c:, and whenever rsyncs are attempted, they fail with : rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume file transfer I think there's probably some weirdness about the paths. I hope this is easy to reproduce and fix. Thanks in advance. """]]