[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2015-09-10T18:10:52Z" content=""" Here's a request that rsync be added to git for windows. It seems like it would be pretty easy for them to add. But I don't know if they will; the bug is currently closed wontfix. I was finally able to get rsync working with git for windows and git-annex as follows: * Delete the rsync.exe that git-annex-installer.exe installs in Git/cmd * Install * In the msys2 shell, "pacman sync rsync" * Copy /msys32/usr/bin/rsync.exe to /Program Files/Git/usr/bin/ So, I could include that rsync.exe in the git-annex for windows. However, since there are 2 versions of rsync.exe, one which works with git for windows, and one that works with msysgit, I might not be able to get a git-annex build for windows that works with both of those versions of git at once. If I do switch to only supporting git for windows, I could also drop some bundled programs from git-annex-installer.exe. These programs are all bundled with git for windows too: * cp * gpg * shaNsum Leaving only, I think, wget and curl and rsync to be bundled with git-annex. """]]