[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawm5iosFbL2By7UFeViqkc6v-hoAtqILeDA" nickname="Laszlo" subject="version 20130314, still not improved" date="2013-03-16T10:01:27Z" content=""" Hi, I promised you a feedback, once a newer version comes out. I started fresh (from the gui), created a new directory, and copied my files over it, deleted the old one (git-annex-webapp just silently quite, when I tried to use the old directory). Problems: > 1. each starts costs me an hour at least > 2. when computer starts git-annex starts too, and try to eat all the resources. Resulting a 10 minute bootup. Would be nice to kick in, when computer idle, and others already finished booting up. (ie. I had a chance to start a webbrowser) > 3. .git objects still going. find `pwd` >../gitannexstartup[TIME].txt Some results: gitannexstartup1034.txt 91179 gitannexstartup1035.txt 91566 gitannexstartup1040.txt 91938 diff between 1034 and 1035 (only 1 minute difference when the file created), shows many entries like this: /home/user/Desktop/down/annexnew/.git/objects/52/1ba05331f99585923f1724bb97c18a8f22837444843a45232 /home/user/Desktop/down/annexnew/.git/objects/52/7457c478a19f8f85c73b9f17c5640378cf307044868a45258 So git objects keeps still adding. As I have many duplicates in my directory (backup of backups, I'm kind of paranoid, when comes to daily job), so it may be related to this bug: http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/Direct_mode_keeps_re-checksuming_duplicated_files/ It is just a hunch. Please tell me what else to test. """]]