[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawm5iosFbL2By7UFeViqkc6v-hoAtqILeDA" nickname="Laszlo" subject="Tried to add a bug, but website fails" date="2013-03-01T14:40:18Z" content=""" @joeyh: I tried to add a comment to my bugreport: http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/When_syncing_two_repositories__44___git_annex_uses_9x_times_diskspace.Makefile/ I get this error: Error: failed to create directory /home/b-git-annex/source/doc/bugs/When_syncing_two_repositories__44___git_annex_uses_9x_times_diskspace.Makefile/: File exists The comment I tried to add: Seems like the logging is the culprit: user@usermachine:~/down/annex$ du -ak . | sort -nr | cut -f2 | xargs -d '\n' du -sh |head -n 30 - 8,2G . 7,5G ./.git 6,5G ./.git/annex 2,7G ./.git/annex/daemon.log 1,8G ./.git/annex/daemon.log.1 1,5G ./.git/annex/daemon.log.5 980M ./.git/objects 742M ./mydir 640M ./mydir/wp 616M ./mydir/wp/wd 314M ./mydir/wp/wd/2012 278M ./.git/annex/daemon.log.4 226M ./mydir/wp/wd/2011 154M ./.git/annex/daemon.log.6 109M ./.git/annex/objects """]]