[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnsuhFUIfWNT-Q-C02FDaSQqceFDge5M9w" nickname="Florian" subject="comment 2" date="2014-01-14T12:12:52Z" content=""" Yes, I can always reproduce it with running \"sh test_ga.sh\" with test_ga.sh being: set -x mkdir GA1 cd GA1 git init git annex init \"GA1\" echo \"GA1\" > testfile git annex add . git annex sync cd .. git clone GA1 GA2 cd GA2 git annex init \"GA2\" git annex get . cat testfile git annex unlock testfile echo \"GA2\" > testfile git annex sync cd ../GA1 git annex sync cd .. which gives: florian@horus ~/test % ll GA1 insgesamt 4 drwxr-x--- 1 florian florian 6 14. Jan 13:07 e6a/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 florian florian 178 14. Jan 13:07 testfile -> .git/annex/objects/V6/ZM/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c with testfile being a dead link. Complete output of the script is at http://pastebin.com/VktWAp2V I would be glad to help furthermore. """]]