[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-10-07T17:03:56Z" content=""" I suspect that the problem dealt with in [[!commit 2ca1d3cc0134134314649c21822bf1352df52e93]] is responsible for this behavior. If many redirects are followed before git-annex gives up, it would explain why it's taking so long. In redirecting from a non-existant file to some index.php file that itself doesn't exist, and so on forever, box.com is clearly a horrible, broken, very bad webdav server. Given that it's so broken, it's not terribly surprising that small changes might expose that or another brokenness in different ways. Changing the location of a temp file from a tmp subdirectory to the parent directory is not the kind of thing that causes 30 second delays with non-broken servers. I have not been able to reproduce the problem here though so that is just a theory. I am not inclined to make random changes to try to work around random breakage in box.com. That is a game you lose before you start playing. It may be that deleting line 132 from Remote/WebDAV.hs avoids the problem. maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent tmp) Since the parent directory of the temp file is the top of the webdav repository, and so already exists, that line is now unnecessary. Since you can reproduce the problem and build from source, can you test that change? """]]