[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkAUMhKOSkh9JaBA6xst3XxQIIsDEq5Zd4" nickname="Ovidiu" subject="spoke too soon" date="2014-05-09T13:23:52Z" content=""" Stuck in a loop, now with every restart of git-annex it downloads the update and then uploads it to all my repositories again: http://screencast.com/t/Ow7SlPVaS68 And then it says: Finished upgrading git-annex to version 5.20140420-ga25b8bb BUT that is the OLD version not the new one :-/ NEXT TRY: killed all processes of git and git-annex, restart. Was greeted by: An upgrade of git-annex is available. (version 5.20140421) Klicked the Upgrade button. Nothing happens, except that the upgrade notice disappeared :-/ """]]