### Please describe the problem. After branching from master/HEAD^ and deleting the master branch, I was surprised that content introduced in master/HEAD is not reported as unused. Instead, one first has to delete the synced/master branch, and also the remote-tracking branches for master. Would it make sense to discount synced/* and the remote tracking branches when gathering unused files? If the remote-tracking branch always reflects the state of the remote, tracking a branch should not cause annex to think that the local annex is somehow using all the files on the remote. Or would that be unsafe? As for the synced/* branches I'm not so sure. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? Clone annex A to B. Branch off of master^ in B. Delete master. Issue git annex unused. --> Content introduced in master is still not reported as unused. Delete synced/master --> Cf. above. Delete origin/master and origin/synced/master --> Content is now reported as unused. ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 5.20131230