[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmNu4V5fvpLlBhaCUfXXOB0MI5NXwh8SkU" nickname="Adam" subject="config from backup repo" date="2013-11-03T00:20:11Z" content=""" Sorry for posting over and over again, just trying to provide info when I discover it. Here's **/mnt/debian/home/me/annex-backup/.git/config** [[!format sh \"\"\" [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [annex] uuid = 86535965-6ca7-4bf3-89af-bca3a07f96f9 version = 3 direct = true fscknudge = true diskreserve = 100 megabyte numcopies = 1 debug = false [gc] auto = 0 [remote \"desktop\"] url = /home/me/annex fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/desktop/* annex-uuid = 80709bc2-3cbe-434b-b7b9-306278b9a4e9 [remote \"Remote\"] annex-rsyncurl = username@example.net:annex/ annex-uuid = 33930bae-63d2-4a52-b330-58872aaeb1bf annex-sync = false fetch =\"\"\"]] 1. Should I remove the \"Remote\" Transfer repo from this config file to prevent it from using the Transfer repo? I only want this repo to sync directly with the other internal hard disk. 2. Is it correct for git-annex to add this Transfer repo to this config file in the first place? """]]