[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-08-14T18:07:10Z" content=""" Doesn't seem likely that this is a bug in git-annex. git-annex is clearly operating on the file just fine until it passes it off to glacier-cli. I suggest you pass --debug to git-annex, and see what glacier-cli command it's running. That will probably be useful information for the glacier-cli developers, to reproduce the problem without involving git-annex. One possibility that comes to mind, given is that your git-annex repository might be in a path with some characters that glacier-cli doesn't like in its name. If git-annex passes the full path to the file to glacier-cli, it might then run into this problem. I'm not sure ATM if git-annex does pass the full path to the file; it seems like a relative path would avoid such a problem. The --debug output should answer this too.. """]]