[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawl99Gxq3NPNvwZHp3PDufaknQH4rZb_KKY" nickname="Florian" subject="comment 4" date="2013-04-12T15:01:16Z" content=""" I think I found a part of the problem. I still don't know why there was this strange key setup in the beginning. Maybe i did this manually and forgot about it instantly... However, today I again had the problem with ending up in git-annex-shell on the commandline. To debug this I called ssh -vvv ... and found out that ssh somehow found the private key in ~/.ssh/key.git-annex-servername-username and ofcourse tried to use it. Moving the key to a subdirectory in ~/.ssh/ and fixing the path in ~/.ssh/config solved my problem again. """]]