[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2015-10-15T20:23:23Z" content=""" There's now support for creating buckets this way in my fork, I have not been able to test it, since I don't have the necessary account, and don't want to give google my bank account/CC number on top of all the other info they have gathered, which seems to be needed to sign up for one. If you check out my fork, `cabal confgure -fExamples; cabal build` will create a test program in `dist/build/PutBucketNearLine/PutBucketNearLine` ; it expects the usual env vars for S3 creds, and you need to pass it the name of the bucket to create. If that works, and creates a usable nearline bucket, we can probably get it merged into mainline aws and then get support in git-annex. """]]