[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-09-17T21:09:24Z" content=""" It's now possible to use storageclass=NEARLINE, when git-annex is built with aws-0.13.0. So, the approach of manually creating the bucket with the desired storage class should work now. I'm unsure if the first method, of letting git-annex create the bucket, will work now. Can you test? It may work now too with storageclass=NEARLINE. While no storage class is currently specified when creating the bucket (that's not in the S3 api at all); but once the bucket exists, with whatever storage class is default, git-annex will specify NEARLINE when storing objects in it. Seems a good chance this will work, and it'd be easier than extending the aws library with google-specific features. """]]