[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 5""" date="2015-07-07T17:58:03Z" content=""" Seems we're ruled out nearly anything except for a bug in the aws library that git-annex uses. So, I think we need to file a bug on that library. It would be very helpful to include the library's debugging output with such a bug report. You can get it by upgrading to git-annex version 5.20150420 or newer, and passing --debug to git-annex. Should result in some debug logs for aws. Also, if possible make sure git-annex is built with the newest version of the aws library. I assume this is easy, since you're using Nix. ;) (If you're comfortable building haskell programs, it would also be great to test with Examples/GetObject.hs from the aws package's source, which has to be modified to use your bucket, and to get the annex-uuid file from it. If we can get git-annex entirely out of the loop, we can be sure the bug is in the aws library..) """]]