[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkLdR1fuu5aEz3s9VKTBKVMize_SmeNRJM" nickname="David" subject="Still crashing (again)" date="2014-01-16T23:33:15Z" content=""" Here is the relevant section of the new crash. Looks like the same crash as yesterdays to me. [[!format sh \"\"\" Thread 4 Crashed: 0 S 0x000000010cea0b9d nettle_sha256_init + 4 1 S 0x000000010cea7e60 nettle_yarrow256_init + 24 2 H 0x000000010cccf2a3 wrap_nettle_rnd_init + 52 3 H 0x000000010cc53585 _gnutls_rnd_init + 32 4 H 0x000000010cc47dae gnutls_global_init + 262 5 git-annex 0x000000010ab95873 0x10937a000 + 25278579 6 git-annex 0x000000010c01dc08 0x10937a000 + 46808072 \"\"\"]] """]]