[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2015-09-23T17:14:14Z" content=""" It might be possible to use stackage to get a build of all libraries from the base haskell platform that are not too far out of date and don't break too often. There is currently no way to upgrade such a build to get newer version of libraries except for throwing the whole build tree away and building all libraries again. So, it would be a lot of CPU on an ongoing basis, or a source of unfixed security bugs. And, I think it would not be entirely non-fragile. It's not exactly unheard of for a new version of a haskell library to accidentially break compatability with the old version of ghc which is generally unused in the haskell community outside of debian stable. Or, to need a newer version of some C library headers than is in stable, or ... """]]