[[!comment format=mdwn username="ewen" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/605b2981cb52b4af268455dee7a4f64e" subject="git annex standalone on Synology NAS" date="2017-04-23T07:52:19Z" content=""" After posting this bug, I found a [git annex tip on running a standalone build on the Synology NAS](http://git-annex.branchable.com/tips/Synology_NAS_and_git_annex/), so that may provide another workaround for me. Particularly since the Synology DS216+ is actually a x86-64 based system: ewen@nas01:/volume1$ uname -a Linux nas01 3.10.102 #15047 SMP Thu Feb 23 02:23:28 CST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux synology_braswell_216+II ewen@nas01:/volume1$ but it is probably still worth figuring out the cause of the transfer lock issue on SMB for other SMB use cases. Ewen """]]