### Please describe the problem. After once embedding credentials into a S3 remote, there’s no way to un-embed them. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Add a S3 remote with `embedcreds=yes`. 1. Try to set `embedcreds=no`. 1. `git annex sync` here, and in some other clone. 1. Check `git annex info my-s3-remote` for the other clone. Credentials are still embedded. ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 6.20170101 on NixOS 16.09 (stable). ### Please provide any additional information below. [[!format sh """ % g annex info test2 | grep '^creds' creds: embedded in git repository (gpg encrypted) % g annex enableremote test2 embedcreds=no enableremote test2 (encryption update) (to gpg keys: 134164FA6FAFE075) ok (recording state in git...) % g annex info test2 | grep '^creds' creds: embedded in git repository (gpg encrypted) % """]] ### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders) Yes, it’s awesome! Thank you!