[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 1" date="2013-03-08T18:59:27Z" content=""" git-annex does not use ssh connection caching for rsync special remotes, and so if you've configured ssh such that it needs to prompt for a password when making a connection, you'll be prompted twice for each file when using `git annex copy`: Once when it checks if the file is present, once when it rsyncs it. (One of those can be avoided by passing --fast) I don't see where a third password prompt can come from, other than gpg. But that would only prompt once per git-annex command, since git-annex caches the remote's encryption key. Of course, you can use a ssh-agent to avoid repeated ssh password prompts. ---- There's certainly a valid wishlist todo item that the rsync special remote should support ssh connection caching. It could be implemented using rsync -e. Although it would need to parse all valid rsync urls to determine which use ssh and which not, and what the user and hostname are. """]]