[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawln3ckqKx0x_xDZMYwa9Q1bn4I06oWjkog" nickname="Michael" subject="I just reproduced this with the latest version" date="2013-08-11T03:17:11Z" content=""" At some point during a large copy, there's an ever increasing number of pipes in /proc/git-annex-pid/fd As soon as it hits the limit (1023 in my case), copies start failing etc r-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 851 -> pipe:[2250609] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 852 -> pipe:[2251549] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 853 -> pipe:[2251550] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 854 -> pipe:[2250612] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 855 -> pipe:[2250613] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 856 -> pipe:[2246639] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 857 -> pipe:[2246640] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 858 -> pipe:[2246642] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 859 -> pipe:[2246643] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 86 -> pipe:[2241378] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 860 -> pipe:[2246645] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 861 -> pipe:[2246646] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 862 -> pipe:[2246648] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 863 -> pipe:[2246649] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 864 -> pipe:[2246653] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 865 -> pipe:[2246654] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 866 -> pipe:[2249407] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 867 -> pipe:[2251789] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 868 -> pipe:[2250627] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 869 -> pipe:[2250628] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 87 -> pipe:[2241379] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 870 -> pipe:[2251778] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 871 -> pipe:[2251779] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 872 -> pipe:[2251781] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 873 -> pipe:[2251782] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 874 -> pipe:[2250635] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 875 -> pipe:[2250636] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 876 -> pipe:[2251575] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 877 -> pipe:[2251576] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 878 -> pipe:[2251785] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 879 -> pipe:[2251786] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 88 -> pipe:[2247853] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 880 -> pipe:[2249430] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 881 -> pipe:[2249431] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 882 -> pipe:[2251581] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 883 -> pipe:[2251582] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 884 -> pipe:[2250653] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 885 -> pipe:[2250654] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 886 -> pipe:[2251790] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 887 -> pipe:[2250670] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 888 -> pipe:[2250663] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 889 -> pipe:[2250664] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 89 -> pipe:[2247854] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 890 -> pipe:[2250668] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 891 -> pipe:[2250669] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 892 -> pipe:[2250671] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 894 -> pipe:[2251601] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:14 895 -> pipe:[2251602] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 9 -> pipe:[2241268] lr-x------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 90 -> pipe:[2242273] l-wx------ 1 michael michael 64 Aug 10 20:13 91 -> pipe:[2245776] etc """]]