[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2014-04-02T20:17:19Z" content=""" These races look beniegn, as far as I can see it doesn't cause any data to be lost, or indeed anything to happen that wouldn't have happened if addurl had been run without the assistant running. The first race probably has addurl and the assistant both trying to move the file object into the annex at the same time. One wins and moves it; the other loses and sulks. The second race has addurl trying to `git add` the file, while the assistant has already noticed the file appeared, `git add`ed it, and committed the add. The only way to really avoid these races would be to add a lot of lock checking. Or just make `git annex addurl` and presumably also `git annex add` and maybe several other commands refuse to run when the assistant is running. """]]