Followed the instructions over here: and had to install the following extra packages to be able to get make to start: [realizes pcre-light is needed but pcre not installed on my mac] sudo port install pcre sudo cabal install pcre-light But then I got the following error: ghc -O2 -Wall --make git-annex [ 7 of 52] Compiling BackendTypes ( BackendTypes.hs, BackendTypes.o BackendTypes.hs:71:17: No instance for (Arbitrary Char) arising from a use of `arbitrary' at BackendTypes.hs:71:17-25 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Arbitrary Char) In a stmt of a 'do' expression: backendname <- arbitrary In the expression: do backendname <- arbitrary keyname <- arbitrary return $ Key (backendname, keyname) In the definition of `arbitrary': arbitrary = do backendname <- arbitrary keyname <- arbitrary return $ Key (backendname, keyname) make: *** [git-annex] Error 1 My knowledge of Haskell (had to lookup the spelling...) is more than rudimentary so any help would be appreciated.