[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-09-15T16:04:28Z" content=""" I find it's not useful to split a conversation between multiple different pages, so this bug is a bit counterproductive. But, you made up for that by posting the whole vicfg, which I was somehow able to notice, amoungst all the noise, has this unusual bit: required 132503d4-dcde-4790-aabb-ee5ba539a3a0 = # (for ozge) required 1e1d0c4e-b1da-465f-9140-7128a7e3ee13 = # (for irem) required aabc3536-a423-42b6-a234-5f110607296e = # (for yesim) required ba3593c0-ddf1-4433-9916-aa25d1a52895 = # (for buse [origin]) required bff7238e-bd92-4929-88a8-c59c1a1dcf03 = So, required content has been set to "". It turns out that when this is done, git-annex thinks that all files are preferred! This is because of a bug when combining the required content and preferred content expressions. I reproduced this; `git annex get --auto` was not getting a file, which was already known to be in another PodA repository. Then I ran `git annex required . ""` and `git annex get --auto` started getting all files. You can't unset a required content setting back to being commented out. A reasonable workaround is to set those to "groupwanted" too. Or get the next git-annex release. """]]