[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2014-08-15T17:32:15Z" content=""" I don't see much difference between (mtime, size, location) and (mtime, size) as far as entropy goes. Consider: A repository with all files in a single directory in the top level is going to have identical probabilities of collision either way. A less special case of a repository that typically has files added to it in a particular directory (\"inbox\", say), is again going to have identical probabilities of collision. If you're worried about such collisions, you should not be using WORM. I think that the documentation for it is pretty clear. If we really wanted to increase the entropy of worm, we could add a random number to the key, or perhaps the file's (original) inode number. """]]