[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://schnouki.net/" nickname="Schnouki" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5f6406e9db28564121169f0051645b8c30a12a20ca7bc40287ac9bf2cd3ad283" subject="comment 12" date="2017-05-29T09:56:59Z" content=""" Not sure how I did it, but I have 2 repos that give me the same error. (Perhaps it happened when killing the assistant in the middle of a sync? No idea…) However I \"solved\" the issue for one repo: 1. cloned the gcrypt remote to a temporary directory 2. removed all the (encrypted) files with `git rm`, committed that, and pushed it (the repo is hosted on Gitlab and I can't just remove the branch or do something like that) 3. removed the `gcrypt-id| from my `.git/config` 4. ran `git annex sync` again And voilà! It works :) I don't have any content in this remote, only metadata, so it's easy to do. But I still don't know what caused this. """]]