[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlEhzszkzOIy8-Rx8b2mcr75QcnIc6O_OA" nickname="Rachel" subject="And this morning..." date="2013-09-13T10:38:35Z" content=""" I tried removing the second repo, by deleting it, it seemed to begin normally. Then it just hung, and hung. Looking at logs, it seemed to be hung on dropping one file - a very small file in fact, but it was probably the most recent file to be added. So the end of the log just looked like: [[!format txt \"\"\" drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue7back.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue7fiction.pdf ok drop annex postgresql 9.0->9.1 upgrade process \"\"\"]] After a while I started getting problems in other terminal shells where I was doing stuff unrelated to git annex. eg: on trying to open a new terminal window, it would open, then shut immediately, or it would open with just: [[!format txt \"\"\" forkpty: Resource temporarily unavailable Could not create a new process and open a pseudo-tty. \"\"\"]] Various other commands that would have resulted in a fork were failing too. In the end I shut down git annex (using the shutdown daemon open in the menu in the webapp), and everything went back to normal. This is the end of the daemon.log from this morning. I don't want to paste the whole thing, as essentially it lists all my private filenames, and there's a lot. In fact I wonder if the quantity of files may be a factor: [[!format txt \"\"\" drop annex old stuff/renegade/index.html ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue1.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue2.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue3.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue4.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue4coverpic.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue6articles.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue6cover.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue6fiction.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue7articles.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue7back.pdf ok drop annex old stuff/renegade/issue7fiction.pdf ok drop annex postgresql 9.0->9.1 upgrade process [2013-09-13 11:25:07 BST] NetWatcherFallback: Syncing with twilight.local_annex, octavia.local_annex,, luna.strangenoises.org_annex NetWatcherFallback crashed: git: createProcess: resource exhausted (Resource temporarily unavailable) [2013-09-13 11:25:07 BST] NetWatcherFallback: warning NetWatcherFallback crashed: git: createProcess: resource exhausted (Resource temporarily unavailable) recv: resource vanisrhreeecdcv v:(: C rorenesnsoeoucurtrciceoe n v varanenisiseshthe edbd y ( (CpCoeonennrne)ec cttiioonn rreesseett bbyy ppeeeerr)) [2013-09-13 11:26:32 BST] main: warning git-annex has been shut down \"\"\"]] """]]