[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 1" date="2013-05-13T19:02:38Z" content=""" I can't think of a way to make the assistant detect that `~/.gitconfig` contains settings not supported by the version of git bundled with git-annex. Even if I could detect it, what could it do? It could perhaps prevent the config file being used by git-annex, but that could have other unwanted consequences. An error message like this seems about as good as this situation can be handled. However, the version of git bundled with git-annex should be kept up-to-date to prevent this kind of problem as much as possible. I don't currently have a good way to ensure that happens; it takes whatever version of git is installed on the build system. I'm going to try to get the autobuilders all updated to git 1.8.2, at least. """]]