[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-11-18T19:35:52Z" content=""" More simply stated, user A adds a file, which sets its perms to 444, and user B can't change those perms to lock the file for removal. In sharedRepository mode, the object directory's perms are already weakened, to eg 775 rather than the default 555, for the same reason; another user with shared access can't chmod the object directory to allow writing to it. That just needs to be extended from object directory to object file to fix this. But, that means that the object file will be mode 664, rather than 444, and so git-annex can't prevent accidental direct modifications of the content of objects when in sharedRepository mode, like it normally does. Since that's a belt and suspenders protection, and since the object directory permissions weakening already lost a similar protection against accidential deletion of object files, shrug, I guess we'll do that. I do feel that sharedRepository mode rarely ever makes sense to use. It's very fiddely to get the permissions set up right and keep them right, and there are much better ways to share a centralized repo between users, eg use gitolite or a dedicated account that's locked down to only let git/git-annex commands be run. """]]