[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/2grhJvAC049fJnvALDXek.6MRZMTlg--#eec89" nickname="John" subject="Doesn't quite work" date="2012-10-17T22:23:16Z" content=""" Your Makefile change, even with the uname corrected, had no impact at all. I'm running \"cabal install\". When I try just \"make\", I get this error: Annex.hs:69:28: No instance for (MonadBase IO (StateT AnnexState IO)) arising from a use of `liftBase' Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (MonadBase IO (StateT AnnexState IO)) In the second argument of `(.)', namely `liftBase' In the expression: Annex . liftBase In an equation for `liftBase': liftBase = Annex . liftBase """]]