[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 15" date="2014-02-08T20:56:10Z" content=""" I think you need to find which calls to setSocketOption are failing and/or what value is causing the crash. It's a bit of a pain to get a backtrace on error (would need to build everything with profiling enabled and run git-annex with +RTS -xc options). Probably simplest to modify the setSocketOption code: [[!format patch \"\"\" diff --git a/Network/Socket.hsc b/Network/Socket.hsc index 2fe62ee..0c66432 100644 --- a/Network/Socket.hsc +++ b/Network/Socket.hsc @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ setSocketOption :: Socket setSocketOption (MkSocket s _ _ _ _) so v = do (level, opt) <- packSocketOption' \"setSocketOption\" so with (fromIntegral v) $ \ptr_v -> do - throwSocketErrorIfMinus1_ \"setSocketOption\" $ + throwSocketErrorIfMinus1_ (\"setSocketOption \" ++ show so ++ \" \" ++ show v) $ c_setsockopt s level opt ptr_v (fromIntegral (sizeOf (undefined :: CInt))) return () \"\"\"]] Which should make it print out a quite nice symbolic name of the option being used on failure, which will make it easy to find any call sites and more importantly, determine what's wrong with that option. """]]