[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2018-01-09T20:29:40Z" content=""" There would still be some cases where a git-annex command blocks somewhat unexpectedly on the automount. For one, `git annex drop` can need to check if content is in a remote, and so would block, despite not acting directly on that remote. And, `git annex get` of a file that's located in such an locally automounted remote and a network remote will default to trying the local remote first, and so would block. The cost of the automounted remote could be adjusted to make these commands prefer some other remote, but then you've configured git-annex to not use the automounted remote much, which is probably not what you really want to do if it's a fast drive. Of course, there are also ways to automount removable drives when they get plugged in, rather than using automounts that block on access, and so neatly avoid all blocking problems. """]]