[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="analysis" date="2014-07-08T17:52:59Z" content=""" When resolveMerge' calls graftin to add A's file2 symlink to B's tree, it actually stages the right symlink (the non-annexed one). However, the work tree is left as-is, so it still has the annexed symlink in it. So git status shows file2 as modified. Later syncs will commit that. This is why the sync in A doesn't have the problem, as there things are the other way around, and git-annex makes the git-annex symlink, leaving the non-annexed symlink as-is in the work tree. So, graftin needs to update the work tree. But it's tricky because graftin is called in 3 situations: non-symlink file, directory, and non-annexed symlink. Interestingly, in the other 2 cases, git-merge already takes care of updating the work tree -- it deletes the annexed symlink and puts in place either the non-symlink file or the directory. It's only the the case of a merge conflict involving 2 symlinks that git merge doesn't update the tree in this way. It's nice to be able to rely on git-merge in the other 2 cases, especially the directory case (avoids having to manually check out the directory). """]]