[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmZgZuUhZlHpd_AbbcixY0QQiutb2I7GWY" nickname="Jimmy" subject="Updated version 4.20131105-g136b030 seems to work" date="2013-11-07T20:28:55Z" content=""" I've updated to the latest version as of 12 hours ago and I was able to create a USB repo on two computers. 4.20131105-g136b030 showing on the web app but 20131106 on the command line. Is there an easy way of checking the repo is correctly encrypted? I didn't see anything about encrypting (now the previous error has disappeared) when creating the repo - is this what I should expect? """]]