[[!comment format=mdwn username="robconnolly" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2012-12-06T02:29:56Z" content=""" Hi Joey, Thanks for your response. Here is the output: [robert@laforge ~]$ ssh-keygen -P \"\" -f test; cat test.pub Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in test. Your public key has been saved in test.pub. The key fingerprint is: 84:43:aa:f0:ba:a7:f0:11:41:55:3b:c4:63:6a:71:e1 robert@laforge.enterprise The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | ...o=. | | . .==o | |. . .=E.. | | o oo + | | +. S | | . . | |o . | |.o.. | |oo. | +-----------------+ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDIeitbarby1thLPEyVpeT/vDaWt0MJwLPvhT7TEZv0FedYalvz/mm3enULHiYdxkjWGBaO/EEzfmz5bjhoJx2tsqSLsUj/UZVv0LxsSfZwTrk0SPuUerzWvAJAXKvtPobDXJoAxsNvzSJN392BMOLKqcjAQTqPA3vd5+EjUVIgJxguz5poGrP0ZRMQD5LmsDrPGUWNJ/EHaVkrqGobAE4DVr8vhJTY41h5Gk2ipnzx+GD6CDZTSNFwl8RorjFAV3mYTTjHc2Cz7GxTLSmwF0+qFZ/UkiO2tD1M37Y4/cPLY7GpVfKvpPHTC8pJUpvj+B4uujHxvZkBJLLz9XhH9KsZ robert@laforge.enterprise Let me know if you need any more info. """]]