[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnFjuvfPpi1kf6l54bxfFUm0Aw_Gf_IO0o" nickname="Aaron" subject="Some things working" date="2013-07-14T10:06:13Z" content=""" Oh, that's odd... The Mythbuntu machine says it fails and the laptop screen still says pairing, but a new window on the laptop says that it synced with the Mythbuntu server. On the Mythbuntu server, it has a blank entry for the laptop, which if you click to edit says \"Internal Server Error\" \"Unknown UUID\". When I add things on the laptop, they immediately become shortcuts and an equivalent shortcut appears on the Mythbuntu machine, though updates to the content (in this case a text file) are not sychronised. Adding a file on the Mythbuntu machine does not turn into a shortcut and nothing appears on the laptop. """]]