[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-01-14T16:07:18Z" content=""" Spaces in the name is a good guess, but does not seem to cause the problem. I just successfully set up a USB drive that has spaces in the name. (Also, git-annex is carefully coded to avoid such problems..) It seems that the repository is created, but then running `git config` in it fails for some reason. One thing you could do is look at `~/Documents/annex/.git/annex/daemon.log`. It should have any error message output by the command. Or, you could try, in a shell: cd \"/Volumes/G-DRIVE slim/annex\" git config annex.uuid 6898F314-7817-4CD5-B1C3-588C55522A3B And see how that is failing. """]]