[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-07-02T16:38:51Z" content=""" Not a whole lot I can do about this.. We can update install/ArchLinux and that's about it. Probably more productive to get in touch with the maintainer of the AUR package if it needs fixed. But, ArchHaskell seems promising. Much better than the hacks used to build the git-annex-bin AUR, IMHO. Since I'm not an Arch user, and don't understand the distro (on a number of levels it seems very puzzling to me..), I am reluctant to update the documentation myself to say to use it, but if it makes sense to point users at haskell-core, by all means update the docs to do so. (Any details about the curl thing?) """]]