[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnldTTAP8PAifJUmqhRar6RAWNWlRcencw" nickname="Marco" subject="The failure" date="2012-11-13T17:24:40Z" content=""" Configuring certificate-1.2.2... Building certificate-1.2.2... Preprocessing library certificate-1.2.2... [1 of 9] Compiling Data.Certificate.KeyRSA ( Data/Certificate/KeyRSA.hs, dist/build/Data/Certificate/KeyRSA.o ) Data/Certificate/KeyRSA.hs:29:27: Constructor `RSA.PrivateKey' does not have field `RSA.private_size' In the expression: RSA.PrivateKey {RSA.private_size = calculate_modulus p_modulus 1, RSA.private_n = p_modulus, RSA.private_d = priv_exp, RSA.private_p = p_p1, RSA.private_q = p_p2, RSA.private_dP = p_exp1, RSA.private_dQ = p_exp2, RSA.private_qinv = p_coef} In an equation for `privkey': privkey = RSA.PrivateKey {RSA.private_size = calculate_modulus p_modulus 1, RSA.private_n = p_modulus, RSA.private_d = priv_exp, RSA.private_p = p_p1, RSA.private_q = p_p2, RSA.private_dP = p_exp1, RSA.private_dQ = p_exp2, RSA.private_qinv = p_coef} In an equation for `parsePrivate': parsePrivate [Start Sequence, IntVal 0, IntVal p_modulus, IntVal pub_exp, IntVal priv_exp, IntVal p_p1, IntVal p_p2, IntVal p_exp1, IntVal p_exp2, IntVal p_coef, End Sequence] = Right (pubkey, privkey) where privkey = RSA.PrivateKey {RSA.private_size = calculate_modulus p_modulus 1, RSA.private_n = p_modulus, RSA.private_d = priv_exp, RSA.private_p = p_p1, RSA.private_q = p_p2, RSA.private_dP = p_exp1, RSA.private_dQ = p_exp2, RSA.private_qinv = p_coef} pubkey = RSA.PublicKey {RSA.public_size = calculate_modulus p_modulus 1, RSA.public_n = p_modulus, RSA.public_e = pub_exp} calculate_modulus n i = if (2 ^ (i * 8)) > n then i else calculate_modulus n (i + 1) cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: authenticate-1.3.2 depends on certificate-1.2.2 which failed to install. certificate-1.2.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 git-annex-3.20121112 depends on certificate-1.2.2 which failed to install. """]]