[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-11-10T19:45:36Z" content=""" I was able to completely reproduce this in every particular, except for one important thing: The webapp *was* able to advance; the repository was created, and when I looked inside its .git/config, I saw as expected: [user] name = foo email = bar So, as far as I can see, git-annex's existing code to detect when the system is so badly configured that git commit doesn't work, and fix the git configuration of the repository well enough for git commit to proceed, is working. The git error just occurs when git-annex is doing that probing. And, in your transcript, it says "(recording state in git...)" so it seems to have gotten past that git error just fine as well. If the webapp didn't advance beyond creating the repository, what error message was displayed **in the webapp**? Currently, my guess is you saw scary stuff on the console and assumed it meant it wouldn't work, but it did. """]]