[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlWskoNgUB7r70OXglR-4iKI4bOuPJb-xg" nickname="Tim" subject="comment 2" date="2013-11-14T18:06:55Z" content=""" You were missing a: test/a$ git annex sync This did the trick on my system [[!format sh \"\"\" #!/bin/sh set -e mkdir test cd test git init a cd a git annex init git annex direct touch firstfile git annex add firstfile git annex sync # think this was left out of recipe # indeed it was cd .. git clone a b cd b git annex direct echo bbbb > f git annex add f git annex sync || true # why add a || true? cd ../a git annex sync echo aaaa > f git annex add f git annex sync cd ../b rm f git annex sync ls cd ../a git annex sync ls \"\"\"]] """]]