[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 5""" date="2017-06-09T17:04:09Z" content=""" "I think what is happening is that my small file I was testing with somehow became corrupted or was modified while on Amazon's servers." That was also kind of my guess. It's hard to imagine how the way that a file is downloaded from The Cloud changes how git-annex decrypts it. As long as the content is the same, the decrpytion step should behave identially no matter where the file is downloaded from. But, multiple small files getting corrupted seems like it must have a cause other than a bit flip. Perhaps something about how they were transferred between the two clouds corrupted them.. I suppose there could also be a bug in git-annex or rclone that somehow corrupts uploads of small files. Perhaps something to do with chunking.. What does `git annex info theremote --fast` say about its configuration? What is the range of sizes of small files that you've found to be corrupted? Is there a cut-off point after which all larger files are not corrupted? Are any small files not corrupted? """]]