[[!comment format=mdwn username="interfect@b151490178830f44348aa57b77ad58c7d18e8fe7" nickname="interfect" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3ba541a3204f4ea4b274049a152489c5" subject="comment 3" date="2017-06-09T01:40:00Z" content=""" Unfortunately even though the content is still over at Amazon, ACD can no longer be accessed through rclone, so I can't get Git Annex to go over there and download it. With the new chunk-supporting decryption script (which I further modified to actually use the timestamps on the log entries), I am able to generate the right key for my test file. I was also able to generate the key for and decrypt another test file, and then testing with git annex again shows that I can successfully fsck other file in the remote. I think what is happening is that my small file I was testing with somehow became corrupted or was modified while on Amazon's servers. I downloaded from Amazon before the transfer and from Google after and did a diff, and both files are identical, so I think I moved over corrupt data. It looks like git annex is just successfully doing its job and identifying some data corruption here. The bug can probably be closed. """]]