[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2017-06-06T15:38:24Z" content=""" Your remote has chunking enabled, so git-annex first tries generating a HMAC for a chunked key. When decrypting the content fails for some reason, it falls back to trying the HMAC for an unchunked key. This is done because chunking can be enabled after some content has been uploaded to a remote, so it always tries the unchunked location just in case. It looks like gpg is successfully decrypting the hybrid encryption key that's embedded in your git repository. That is the first, successful call tp gpg in your log. The "bad key" error then comes when gpg is asked to use the hybrid encryption key to decrypt the content. This seems to indicate it's not using the same hybrid encryption key that was used to encrypt it. The fact that it was able to generate the right HMAC key to download the content though, indicates that it did get the right hybrid encryption key (since half of that key is used to generate the HMAC). So hmm, I don't understand what is going on. Are you able to retrieve the same file successfully when the rclone.conf is configured to use the Amazon Cloud Drive? (Assuming that the content of the file is still present over there.) """]]