### Please describe the problem. I normally use two clients with the assistant (lets call them A and B) and they are usually online at different times. Sometimes, after deleting a file in A, I turn on the client in B and when rescanning, instead of deleting that same file from B, it adds it back to A. I can always delete the file again, but it's a bit annoying. Anyway, it's a lot better than data loss ;) Might be worthy to mention that the computer running client B is quite slow and has a slow HD. I have 4 git-annex repositories and when I turn on the computer the rescan can easily take up a couple of hours. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? B -> is turned off A -> delete file B -> turn on and wait for rescan B -> readds the file instead of deleting it ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 6.20160923 (Debian Sid) ### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders) I've been using git-annex for years with 4 different repositories, 3 of them pretty big (> 50 GB) and I'm really happy! :)