[[!comment format=mdwn username="martin" ip="" subject="`git-annex add` (called by sync) should do the job and bring the files back home (IMHO)" date="2014-06-10T15:58:25Z" content=""" If one does an `git annex sync` these crippled-pseudo-modified-files are *automatically* `git annex add`ed git annex status M datei1 M datei5 M datei6 git annex sync commit add datei1 ok add datei5 ok add datei6 ok To avoid the risk of adding and propagating potentially corrupted content `git-annex add` should \"simply\" correct the timestamps (adjust to the new even inode values) for files with correct checksum but timestamp difference of 1s or 1h With this procedure i would have better sleep with this personal second use case: repo1: on the computer (direct mode - client) repo2: on usb stick - (direct mode - client - vfat - music for car) From time to time mp3 files are transferred to the stick. Then stick goes to the car and after some days back to the computer to be synchronized again. Everytime approx. 50% of the recently new added files are added again (via sync) because of these nonsens timestamps. So i think, the clean solution is to correct only the timestamps instead of adding again possibly corrupted files. If we dont do this users adapt to add files again and again (they need not to be added) and one day they add corrupted content. Like on windows (tm) you klick OK and OK again and here you add again and again and one day one add once too much ;-) Excuse me for this long comment... P.S. git annex is an ingenious piece of software - thanks a lot for this joey! """]]