[[!comment format=mdwn username="martin" ip="" subject="Possible solution?" date="2014-05-13T17:51:41Z" content=""" How about this quick'n dirty vfat compromise: For vfat only we do like this (at least for `git annex fsck` command, so that the user doesn't wonder about the strange effects of vfat and can repair this): if we have an exact time difference of 1s (probably \"inode problem\") or 1h (\"utc problem\") we treat this file as likely unmodified and check this via the normal checksum algorithm. if checksum is ok, we give a message to the user, that the \"file has only a vfat timestamp problem\" but has correct checksum and if the user decides to do so git annex sets the timestamp in the filesystem to the value from annex' internal tables... """]]