[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-08-11T16:14:22Z" content=""" This is the first I've heard of your gcsannex. Thanks for working on it. I am pretty sure that the url is being recorded in the git-annex branch, and that if you look at the history of the branch, you'll see that. The reason whereis doesn't show it, and `git annex get` doesn't use it is that the location tracking info doesn't list the web as one of the locations of the key. Looking at the code, SETURLPRESENT causes the url to be recorded, and the location tracking info for the special remote (not the web) is updated to say it has the key. IIRC, my original use case for this was things like *.torrent urls, where it makes sense for the bittorrent special remote to add an url to the torrent, but we don't want the torrent to be downloaded as if it were the content of the file. However.. I don't know if any external special remotes actually use SETURLPRESENT this way. The SETUR*I*PRESENT varient seems to be the one really used, and/or CLAIMURL. So, SETURLPRESENT is feeling a bit like an unused appendix that doesn't do quite you want. And could be changed to do what you want quite easily -- by making it set the location tracking for the web. But, it's hard for me to tell if the current behavior is really unused. I suppose you could work around this by having your external special remote run "git annex setpresentkey" with the uuid used for the web (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001). On the third hand, does it really make sense for a key, upon being uploaded to google drive, to appear to be in two remotes; both google drive and the web? If the web is not untrusted, it will count as another copy of the file, when there's not really another copy as such (google drive redundancy aside). What I did in the similar case of uploading a file to a public S3 bucket is to not make that file be present in the web remote, and indeed not record the url in the git-annex branch at all. Instead, the S3 remote uses the `whereisKey` interface to add the url to the `whereis` output, and if the S3 API keys are not available, it will download files from the public url, instead of using the S3 protocol. An external special remote could also take this approach, although the internal `whereisKey` interface is not currently exposed. If you want to go this route, I'll see about adding that and any other necessary missing bits. """]]